
Craftmark - Cratftmark Certified Products

Craftmark is the only national certification program for genuine Indian handcrafted products, produced in a socially responsible manner. It is awarded by  All India Artisans and Craftworkers Welfare Association -(AIACA) and is registered with the Trademarks Authority of India as a Business Trademark. It certifies individual craft processes as being handmade. AIACA licenses the use of the Craftmark to artisan organizations, craft-based businesses, cooperatives, or NGOs for use on their products. Each craft has individual process documentation and the certification is awarded based on adherence to the standards individually set for each craft. (http://www.craftmark.org/)

Craftmark Certificate authenticates that the products :

·  Are Genuine Indian handicrafts

·  Conform to sector-wide minimum standards and norms for labeling a product as handmade

·  Are made in a socially responsible manner- 

.  Wages being paid to the artisans are as per the minimum wages specified by the Government

. There is no child labour involved

.  Basic occupational health and safety standards are met


Craftmark has more than 250 members to date and cover more than 173 crafts. Craftmark rolls out a bouquet of services for its members including training on design development, Financial Literacy, Production Planning, Quality adherence & Control, marketing, Branding, packaging, digital marketing, etc, thereby getting them better placed to meet the market expectations and link them to markets, including relevant e-commerce platforms and support them for operating e-stores.